Space Education International Workshop, 18 - 22 October 2016
Organised by the European Space Agency, the Galileo Teacher Training Program and Space Awareness

Space Education International Workshop organized by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP), and the Space Awareness project, took place in Leiden, the Netherlands, from 18 to 22 October 2016.

Almost 100 participants joined a five-day training workshop in space and education for teachers to explore best practices and innovative uses of astronomy and space sciences for education. Among them were primary and secondary school teachers, educators, science communication professionals, and policy makers. The event covered the full spectrum of formal and informal education systems. Participants shared ideas, practices, and resources that have been developed and implemented by Space Awareness, GTTP, ESA Education, and their partners worldwide.

On 21 October, the contest for the best education resource took place at the Science Fair. Amelia Ortiz Gil from Observatorio Astronómico, Universidad de Valencia, Spain with her project "A touch of the Universe" has won the first prize - a telescope!

Download the final programme here: pdf

Pictures form the event:

Credit: Wouter Schrier

Credit: Wouter Schrier

Credit: Wouter Schrier

Credit: Anastasiya Boiko, European Schoolnet

List of presentations:


Opening talk UNAWE 10 years anniversary, George Miley (Leiden Observatory).  George Miley in his opening talk presented the video "Inspiring every child with our wonderful cosmos" dedicated to the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the Universe Awareness.   Presentation

Space Awareness, inspiring the next generation of space explorers, Jorge Rivero Gonzalez (Leiden Observatory)   Presentation

European Space Agency, Rebecca Barnes (ESA Science)

The Galileo Teacher Training Programme, Rosa Doran (Nuclio)


Intercultural education on the example of the Space Awareness Islamic Heritage Kit, Cecilia Scorza (House of Astronomy)  Presentation

Short presentations by teachers and educators sharing their experience of space education:

- Welcome and presentation by Nina von der Assen (Utopa)

- Measure the height of lunar craters with salsa, J, Frederic Borgnon, Mathematic teacher in secondary school, Voiron, France, Member of "Astonomy in school"

- Kodak Rockets, Marina Reis Silva, Physics and Chemistry Teacher, Escola Secundária Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade

- Mission: From Primary School to Space, Balint Mihaela Elena, primary school teacher/science teacher, Discovery Kids Primary School, Ramnicu-Valcea, Romania  Presentation

- Meet the Solar System, Gülhanım Dursun, Primary School Teacher, Şenlik Primary School, Ankara, Turkey

- Andøya Space Center: A unique framework for teaching, Alexander Biebricher, Norwegian Centre for Space-related Education, Physicist/Teacher   Presentation

- Space Education at an Art School, Dorina Marin, National College of Art” Octav Bancila” Iasi. Romania, primary teacher/educational counselor

- Astronomy in my school(s), Nikolaos Nerantzis, Physicist in Secondary Special Education

- Destination Discovery, Sotira Trifourki, Director, Artemis Space/Cyprus Space Office

- The messier object, Aleix Roig Mateu, Teacher of Science and headteacher in primary education, Escola GEM, Spain

- Rosetta Strato Mission Charity Campaign, Ryan Laird, Design & Data GmbH   Presentation  Video

Parallel discussion sessions:

- Space Girl & Space Boy, Cátia Cardoso and Adelina Machado, (Ciência Viva / ESERO Portugal), and Evita Tasiopoulou (European Schoolnet)  Presentation

- Rosetta mission: legacy for education and science, Rebecca Barnes (ESA)

- Let's talk about gender balance and inclusion through Space, Sara Anjos (Nuclio) and Ramasamy Venugopal (IAU-OAD) Presentation1   Presentation2

- Art and Science building literacy in inquiring minds, Rosa Doran (Nuclio) and Sofoklis Sotiriou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)

Parallel workshops 1:

- Navigation through the ages: a history of discoveries, Sara Anjos (Nuclio)  Presentation

- Through the “eyes” of a satellite, Cátia Cardoso and Adelina Machado, (Ciência Viva / ESERO Portugal)  Presentation

- Down to Earth - simulating asteroid and comet impact, Paul Roche, Sophie Bartlett (Faulkes Telescope project) Presentation

- Teaching with Inquiry, Eleftheria Tsourlidaki (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)  Presentation


Introduction to ESA and ESA education and ESA science missions, Rebecca Barnes, Monica Talevi, and invited speakers (ESA)

The once and future Moon, James Carpenter (ESA)   Presentation   Video

Lunar exploration web documentary, Mandeka Papini (ESA)   Online resource

Parallel workshops 2:

- Taste in space, ESA Education Team

- Martian soil and looking for evidence of microorganisms, ESA Education Team

- Orbits: Marble-ous ellipses, ESA Education Team   Online resource


Gaia: Surveying a billion stars, Jos de Bruijne (ESA)    Outreach resources

15 minutes presentations:

- New Space resources from the Ecsite Space group, Carmen Fenllosa (Ecsite) and Jose Gordillo (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias)

- Scientix - the importance of collaboration in STEM education, Adina Nistor (European Schoolnet)   Presentation

- Big Ideas of Science and Interdisciplinary Learning, Eleftheria Tsourlidaki (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)

- Highlights in astronomy and astrophysics, Dellia-Raissa Fortu (Colegiul National August Treboniu Laurian)   Presentation

- Tabletarium - Space, Alex Prokop (ESERO Czech Republic)

Climate change: Public Outreach and Education, Harald Lesch (University of Munich)

Parallel workshops 3:

- Space Awareness: Our wonderful Universe, Eleftheria Tsourlidaki (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)

- Mars as the Abode of Life, Anu Ojha (UK National Space Academy)   Presentation

- Space Awareness: Islamic heritage in astronomy, Cecilia Scorza (House of Astronomy)

- Observing the Sun from your classroom, Abel de Burgos Sierra (ESA)

Parallel workshops 4:

- Teaching Space Awareness Using a Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS) Approach, Stephen Pompea (NOAO)  Presentation

- Space Scoop: astronomy news service for kids, Edward Gomez and Sarah Roberts (LCO and Cardiff University)   Presentation

- Astro Academy Principia, Anu Ojha (UK National Space Academy)   Presentation   Video archive

- Astro Party, Ivo Jokin (ESERO Bulgaria)

Science Fair - Exhibition of projects by participants

Evening public programme "2016 - A Big Year in Space for ESA" by Mark McCaughrean (ESA Science)

Saturday 22 October

Space as Inspiration: from children to policy-makers, Claus Madsen (ESO)

Parallel workshops 5:

- Scientix - involving teachers in STEM projects, Adina Nistor (European Schoolnet)   Presentation

- Space Awareness: the Climate Box, Markus Nielbock (House of Astronomy)    Presentation   Worksheet

- Star in a Box: simulating exoplanets, Rebecca Barnes (ESA)

- Gol-lab: Black Holes, Rosa Doran (Nuclio)

Parallel workshops 6:

- Hunting black holes in the variable X-ray sky (high schools), Stefano Sandrelli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)

- Rosetta Time Capsule, Wendy van den Putten (NEMO Science Centre)

- Astronomy and Astrology, Rosa Doran (GTTP)

- High-energy particles from space in the physics classroom, Julia Woithe (CERN)

Closing session, Pedro Russo (Leiden Observatory)

Note: this page will be constantly updated until all presentations are collected and published

This workshop and programme were produced by funding from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement no 638653.
