Space Scoop International Comic Contest – Winners!

We’re very excited to announce the winners of the first Space Scoop International Comic Contest! We received many outstanding comics from all over the world and are proud to have seen so many works of art.

Judges from 19 countries have selected 43 national contest winners aged between 8-18 years. All national winners will receive a cosmic goodie bag. A full list of the 43 winning comics can be found on the Universe Awareness Flickr stream.

From those 43 fabulous runner-up comics, a panel of judges from the fields of education and science communication have chosen four international winners:

International Contest Winner - Andini Dyah Ayu P (Indonesia)

Andini is a 16 year old student from Indonesia. She has chosen to depict the Space Scoop, “Are You Afraid of the Dark?”. Her comic creatively interprets a dream during which the character visits and explores the objects within the Space Scoop, introducing them to the reader in a dynamic and interesting way. The artist is highly skilled, and her colourful and hilarious comic has really brought the character and story to life.

Andini is the lucky winner of her very own Kano computer!

Winner of the 8-11 years category - Mani Sarahi (Iran)

Mani is a 9 year old student from Iran. He has chosen to depict the Space Scoop, "Astronaut Blasts Off to International Space Station”. His comic tells a charming story, which carries a poignant message about bringing peace to the world. The comic is neat and concise, and the hand-drawn style of the artwork is unique and vibrant. Mani wins a Firstscope telescope.

Winner of the 12-15 years category  - Stefania Moldovanska (Bulgaria)

Stefania is a 15 year old student from Bulgaria. She has chosen to depict the Space Scoop, “An Asteroid with a Heart of Stone”. Her comic is fast-paced, highly entertaining and humorous, with an educational element that describes the importance of asteroid tracking. The comic is the ideal length, with fabulous hand-drawn style that is bold and filled with personality. Stefania wins a Firstscope telescope.

Winner of the 16-18 years category - Sandu Indra Alexandra (Romania)

Sandu is a 16 year old student from Romania. She has chosen to depict the Space Scoop, “A Whole New World”. Sandu’s beautifully illustrated comic tells a moving story about a future in which humanity has destroyed our fragile planet and colonised Mars — a future that is perhaps not beyond imagining. The poignant tale is complemented by the delicate painting and subtle colours. Sandu wins a Firstscope telescope.

We’d like to congratulate all of the students who entered the competition. The authors of every comic will receive certificate of participation. We also want to thank our fantastic network of National Coordinators that worked hard to make this successful event possible.

Space Awareness