ESA’s 2018 Summer And Autumn Workshops For Teachers
Deadline to apply is 21 March 2018

This year in the Netherlands, the European Space Agency will organise its 9th Summer Teacher Workshop and its 4th Autumn Teacher Workshop. These workshops will provide primary and secondary teachers from ESA’s Member and Associate States with a unique professional development opportunity and show how space can be used to teach STEM subjects in school.

With keynote lectures from esteemed space experts and visits to ESTEC, the workshops will focus on three main themes: Space Exploration, Earth Observation and Technology. The teachers will explore and discuss space education resources and learn to encourage students to pursue science and technology. Real and space missions and programmes are the base of inspiration for these workshops.

Participation in the workshops is free, and ESA will provide and sponsor the cost of accommodation, as well as transport and lunch during the workshop. Attendance to the entire workshop is mandatory. Due to the international character of the workshops, teachers are expected to be proficient in English. Also, participants need to bring their own laptops.

Workshop details and deadlines

Both summer and autumn workshops will take place in Leiden, the Netherlands, close to ESA’s ESTEC establishment.

The deadline for applications for both workshops is 21 March 2018, 09:00 CET. Successful applicants will be informed before 30 March 2018. Priority will be given to teachers who have not participated in previous teacher workshops given by ESA.

The summer workshop will begin on Tuesday 10 July at 09:00 CEST and will conclude on Friday 13 July at 16:30 CEST. Part of the programme will be dedicated to visiting ESTEC as well as the Space Expo museum.

The autumn edition will begin on Thursday 4 October at 9:00 CEST and will end on Sunday 7 October at 16:30 CEST. On the last day, workshop participants will visit ESTEC and take part in the ESTEC Open Day.


Teachers can learn more about the workshops and apply via the link:

Image: ESA's Space Education International Workshop, 2016

Credit: Wouter Schrier
