Space Awareness Webinar: Citizen Science applied in Education

Location: Online
Organizer: Space Awareness
Type of event: webinar
Target groups: “Teaching with Space and Astronomy” MOOC participants, primary and secondary school teachers and students, educational authorities, researchers, etc.
Topic: space education combined with scientific research
Theme: Our Fragile Planet

Primary and secondary school teachers are invited to learn about how Citizen Science projects can be used in education. The idea behind Citizen Science is to engage anyone in participating in real scientific projects with a big amount of data and it can be effectively used to foster critical thinking, dealing with uncertainties in data, working with a wide variety of technologies, and meaningful field work. Join Geographer Joseph Kerski as we demonstrate how and why to use citizen science tools and resources, with a particular focus on how these can be used in conjunction with mapping and spatial analysis from local to global scales.   

The webinar will be held by Joseph Kerski - a geographer and educational manager who Works in the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. – ESRI. He has been involved with geotechnology and education in creating curriculum involving geography, science, history, and mathematics, supporting the implementation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at all levels of society through the provision of technical support, educational support, teaching and training and also through publishing articles, web resources and books. He has nurtured educational partnerships among private industry and all levels of education, as well as for government agencies, youth associations and organizations, and non-profit organizations.

Register now by filling out the application form!

The webinar will take place in the Scientix online meeting room on Tuesday 20th September 2016 at 17:30 Central European Time. After registration, you will receive an e-mail with instructions. NB: Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis!

Before the webinar, check out:

The Space Awareness Citizen Science website section

The Space Awareness Citizen Science booklet

Space Awareness